Pet Simulator Update 5

September 16, 2018


Rainbow pets! Whenever getting a pet, it has a very low chance to be rainbow! This means it has 5x the normal stats and appears as rainbow in-game and in the inventory. Rainbow pets cannot be upgraded to gold. All pets can be rainbow.

Rainbow luck gamepass! Greatly increase chances of getting a rainbow pet variation!

Super lucky gamepass! Get up to 60x the chance (6000%) of getting a rare pet!

Upgrade all option! Your fingers will benefit greatly.

(REVERTED) Coins and chests take 3x less time and yield 3x less rewards. This is to keep people from ‘AFKing’ and to speed up gameplay significantly

Added trading support to Xbox

Added very rare Ame Damnee and Domortuus pet

Pet slot UI animations for gold and rainbow pets! They now shine and look cool n’ stuff

Much more accurate controller UI navigation (You’re welcome Xbox users!)

Added staff and affiliate chat tag

Updated featured pets

Added twitter codes (accessible via. premium shop)



Large numbers of pets are handled better to keep servers from crashing (hopefully?)

Trading and premium shop don’t redraw every frame but instead make smart changes (extremely large optimization)

Scrolling is now automatically updated based on resolution

Removed coin collision which should greatly benefit performance

Equip indication changed from static green background to a green dot

Particles are greatly reduced on low detail mode which should greatly benefit performance on mobile

Trading had a few UI changes

You can now cancel gold tradeups (thanks loleris for pointing this out lol)

Increased chance of getting dark candy corn pet from 0.5% to 1%

Increased chance of getting cookie pet from 1% to 4%

Increased chance of getting yellow gummy from 1% to 8%

Non-partners can now own partner pet without risking loosing it automatically



Fixed pet speeds being incorrect when first joining the game

Fixed a lot of pet movement lag and ‘teleporting’. Should look smoother without costing performance.

Fixed dark saturn in-game model being wrong

Fixed console users not being able to scroll all the way down their inventory

Fixed pets disappearing when travelling to the moon

Fixed scrolling length sometimes not being correct on mobile

Fixed lighting issues with low detail mode

Fixed overlap issues on upgrade UI

Fixed climbing out of map and into other zones